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Cybex Travel Systems

These are packages built for all your travel needs, all prams that come with a car seat are considered Travel Systems, a basic Travel System contains your pram, car seat and any adaptors you may need.

Then we have designed our travel systems to fit in line with your lifestyle or budget, they have 3 key parts which are explained below:

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Pram Chassis - The base of the pram. This includes any baskets, adaptors, frames and wheels needed to get started. Most of the time these also include a seat unit and the fabrics to set up the prams right away, but it is important to check as some brands have these separate. Make sure to check our descriptions to show you exactly what you get in your box!

Seat Unit and/or Carrycot - The Carrycot is the moses basket shaped part of a pram, comes equipped with a handle to be carried easily and clicks onto the pram for your newborn baby to be able to sleep easily when you are out and about. The seat or pushchair unit is usually used later when the carrycot is no longer needed. It allows for baby to sit comfortably while on the pram, it usually is able to be used with the child being able to see either the parent (parent-facing) or the world (world-facing).

Car Seat - From the very moment your baby leaves hospital right up until they reach 135cm or under 12 years old, they will need to travel in a car seat for every journey. Obviously using a child car seat is the best way to keep your child safe in the event of an accident, but it’s also a legal requirement.

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Discover our collection of safe and reliable travel systems from world-renowned brands, including Bugaboo, Silver Cross, Noordi and Venicci, that allow you to find the perfect stroller with a compatible car seat and all the accessories to go with it, all in one easy package.

A baby travel system is a pram, pushchair or stroller that includes a suitable from birth car seat. The car seat attaches on to the frame of the pram and pushchair which means if you have a sleeping baby, you don’t have to disturb baby by taking them out – the infant carrier will simply attach onto the pushchair using adapters.

Experts recommend that babies should stay in the car seat for no longer than 90 minutes at a time but for short trips, this is the perfect solution.


Check out our Blog on Travel Systems Here!