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Carrycots provide the perfect lie-flat solution for babies. Essentially a smaller bed for your baby that can be used on or off the pram. They offer complete comfort and safety for your little one from birth.

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Within our range you will find practical and portable carrycots with sturdy handles, solid bases and stylish designs which are easily clipped on to a suitable matching pushchair unit. It is recommended that your little one is placed in the carrycot from birth until around 6 months old or around the time they begin to sit up on their own.

The lie flat positioning of a carrycot means that your baby can sleep safely while you are out and about pushing your pram. Carrycots can be used straight away from birth and when you are ready to swap to the pushchair, most carrycots are easily folded for storage!

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What is a Carrycot

A carrycot is a light portable cot with a handle of some kind that can be attached to the chassis of a pram. When it comes to a travel system, it's the first configuration that will be used with a newborn up to the age of around 6 months. If a pushchair doesn’t have a lie-flat seating option then a carrycot is essential as they allow newborns to lie completely flat which is essential for spinal and lung development.

A carrycot will feature a hood which will offer protection from the elements when used outdoors, sometimes the canopy may feature extra ventilation too. Handles on a carrycot make it easy to take on and off a pushchair frame or to transport around the house too.